K: 3 Reasons I Love the KINDLE Especially When my Shoulder Was Broken (plus 5 more reasons)

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Cover of "Kindle Wireless Reading Device,...

One handed reading on a Kindle is very doable. I found out the hard way after I broke my shoulder the week before Easter in 2011. (Cover via Amazon)

I LOVE books. Their smell, the feeling when I hold one, turning the pages, of being able to easily flip through the pages to find an underlined section, to scan the table of contents, or even to take a peek at the ending.

I received the kindle as a birthday present several years ago. I wasn’t sure I’d love reading books on it the way I love reading a physical book. I knew it would be helpful for travel or when I was reading in places other than at home. But how would it faire as an at home reader?

Two years ago I had the opportunity to give my kindle an at home-test. I broke my shoulder while hiking and was laid up for months. Once my mind cleared enough to think, I did lots of reading.

Turns out, I LOVE reading on the kindle. Here are 3 reasons I loved using a Kindle when my shoulder was broken.

1. Lightweight. Reading with a broken shoulder was tough because I couldn’t lift much. You don’t think a book weighs much, but try balancing it and turning the pages with one hand. This is especially tricky with bigger books like Anna Karenina (which I read for the first time then).

2. Small, slim size. Because of its dimensions, I was able to carry the Kindle in my smallest purse. I usually carry things in my backpack and car. I didn’t have much access to either back then. So I was grateful I could carry along my Kindle.

3. Page turning. Another tricky thing is turning the pages of a physical book with one hand. The arrows on the Kindle make it quite easy to advance or go back pages. I was able to do both with ease.

5 More Reasons I Love My Kindle

4. Multiple books. Oh, my. The Kindle holds more books than I’ll ever read this year or for the rest of my life. On average the K2 holds 1500 books . The K3 and DX can hold 3500 books.

5. Freebies. People with Kindles (and other e-readers) have access to the classics – for FREE!!!!. As an Amazon Prime member, I also have free access to their library of books. They have books from all genres like Relationship ( The 5 Love Languages), How to (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People), and Teen (The Hunger Games).  I signed up (on Facebook) for daily notifications about free ebooks. Finally the libraries have gone high tech and you can borrow books for your Kindle. 

6. Reduces clutter. The Kindle books I own are all at the same spot, in the Kindle. I don’t have to worry about storage. I don’t have to worry about clutter. I don’t have to worry about moving them.

7. Easier to keep track of. For some reason, I always know where my Kindle is. That’s not always true of physical books I read. In fact, every Tuesday I have to look for a particular Bible for a meet-up and every Wednesday morning when getting ready for my evening study, I ALWAYS have to look for my book. I don’t always read in the same place so these books could be anywhere. But if I had the books on Kindle (or iPhone) like some of my friends, I’d always know where the books are.

8. Longevity & Durability. My copy of the book in the Kindle will stay in pristine condition forever. I won’t want to keep most books forever. But a few books I do, like my Bibles. And my Bibles are marked up with notes and underlines and after a while show the wear-and-tear of being greatly used. A Bible on my Kindle would never show that wear-and-tear. And I would never need to decide what to do with a tattered Bible.

Your Turn . . . What do you love about your Kindle or e-reader?

Related YouTube Video . . . Medieval help-desk regarding books. (hat tip to Denise for this link)

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NOTE: This post is written for the Blogging From A to Z ChallengeThere are 22 categories and my category is MI = Miscellaneous.
During the month of April I will post 26 times finishing up posts that have been in my draft fie for at least a year. For a list of all the posts go to the A-Z button on my header.
Today’s letter is K. The topic is Kindle.

Entry filed under: Blogging From A to Z Challenge, Books, Main. Tags: , , .

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3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Denise Drake  |  . at .

    Susan! You are so cutting edge! I still like the old-school low-tech books. I like to be able to underline and make notes in the margin. Let us know what interesting books you are reading. Currently, I’m reading Herodotus– those ancient Greeks were sure… um… er… interesting. 😛


    • 2. susan2009  |  . at .

      I agree with you, Denise, about underlining and making notes in physical books. Although you can do both of those things in a Kindle.
      In my Kindle I am reading a study guide for Captivating.
      I’d like to hear your impressions of Herodotus. You are such an adventurous reader!
      PLUS – thanks for the youtube video on the helpdesk for that new invention of books.


  • […] K: 3 Reasons I Love the KINDLE Especially When my Shoulder Was Broken (plus 5 more reasons) (fruitfulwords.wordpress.com) […]



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