Kindness is Organizing Meals for One in Need

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This post is part of #Write31Days where bloggers write every day in October on one topic. I am writing about Acts of Kindness, random and otherwise. It is my hope that my community and I are different as a result of this 31 Day Series.


While you don’t have to meal plan to eat, you do need to shop and sometimes you need to prepare the food. There are times when those two tasks are beyond our capability.

  • You just had a baby.
  • You are going through chemo and/or radiation.
  • There is a death in the family.
  • You are OVERWHELMED with life for whatever reason.
  • Broken bones make it impossible to navigate driving, stores, and the kitchen.

This list could go on. You get the picture. Sometimes we need help with meals.

When I broke my shoulder, I was helpless. I couldn’t wash my hair, change my top, peel a banana, open food packets, or drive. And I was soooooo fatigued. Getting meals was a life-saver.

I recently organized meals for two families (during the same time period). One had hip replacement surgery and one broke a collarbone which resulted in surgery, as well. Folks in my church wanted to help these two families. So I took charge and organized meals.

When I am in charge of this ministry, I usually arrange for three-four meals a week for two weeks. Then we reassess. I get volunteers in multiple ways.

  • Facebook group
  • Email blast
  • Phone calls/Texts
  • Meal Train  – Meal Train is a free, online calendar that organizes the meal giving experience. All the “organizer” has to do is input emails for the requests to go to.

There is no perfect way. I’ve used them all. 

My best tips for meal organization are as follows . . . 

  • If my volunteers want a reminder, I give them one.
  • Encourage your meal givers to use disposable pans/containers.
  • Be on time and let your person know when you are delivering the food.
  • Unless invited, don’t make drop off time a time of socialization.
  • Even if you never get a thanks from the recipient, KNOW that your meal was a huge blessing. In fact, invite the recipient to not send you a thank you note.

All the meals delivered to me were on time, delicious, and followed my food preferences. I healed much better because of these folks. I cannot remember if I sent thank you cards or not. My brain was pretty cloudy due to the pain and meds. So in case I didn’t say thank you – Here it is. “THANKS A LOT, Friends. You made a difference to the quality of my life.

Your Turn . . . Have you ever organized meals? If yes, share your tips. . . . Have you ever received meals? Again, same question, what are tips you’d share about that experience?

If you know someone who is having a hard time, be kind. Ask friends and organize some meals. In my experience, people are happy to be part of this kind act.

You can practice being kind by leaving me a comment. 

Related Posts . . .   My cooking means someone died? . . .  My Recipe Index

My Landing Page for This series . . . Scattering Kindness: A 31 Day Adventure

Previous #Write31Days Topics

Thanks go to Elizabeth Symington for making my #Write31Days button and basic graphic for the kindness quotes. Elizabeth is writing a 31 days series on Summer of Service in Yosemite.

Entry filed under: 31 Days of Writing, Main, Random acts of kindness. Tags: , , , , .

Scattering Kindness: A 31 Day Adventure Kindness is Delivering Meals

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