Posts tagged ‘decluttering quotes’

MORE vs less:15 Decluttering Quotes

Day 15 – “Clutter is postponed decision.” ~ Barbara Hemphill. Our quality of life is determined by the decisions we make about our stuff. Looks like I have a lot of decisions to make.

Do you like quotes?

  • I like the pithy wisdom that quotes can contain.
  • I like the one line (or two) of wisdom that I can easily remember and meditate upon.
  • I like their short rally cries to  action.

With these thoughts in mind, here are 15 decluttering quotes, in no particular order, that I currently embrace.


1. “Clutter is anything that doesn’t belong in a space – whether because it belongs elsewhere in your home, or it doesn’t belong in your home any longer.” ~ Chrissy Halton 

2. “Your home is living space, not storage space.” ~ Francine Jay.

3. “Discarding memorabilia is not the same as discarding memories.” ~ Fumio Sasaki

4. “Our things are like roommates; except we pay their rent . . . Our things aren’t going to pitch in with the rent, and they aren’t going to help us take care of the household chores. Instead, they create extra work for us. Do we really want to continue to pay the rent for them? It’s wiser to kick them out.” ~ Fumio Sasaki

5. ”Live with fewer things that have greater meaning.” ~ Dominque Browning

6. “Once I started looking at what I owned and how effectively it all worked as a whole, I realized that even too much stuff of beautiful things create a not-so-beautiful experience.” ~ Melissa Michaels

7. “Do not open and re-clutter! Put the clutter in the bag, close it, take it to the car and NEVER re-open the bag!” ~ FlyLady

8. “Holding on to clothes that don’t fit is like having friends that make fun of you behind you back.” ~ Peter Walsh

9. “Will putting this item here add order or disorder to this space?” ~ Melissa Michaels

10. “If you are not content today. There is nothing you can buy this weekend that will change that.” ~ Joshua Becker

11. “You might get 85 years on this planet – don’t spend 65 paying off a lifestyle you can’t afford.” ~ Cait Flanders.

12. “The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.” ~ Marie Kondo

13. “For the longest time, I thought I needed to be more organized. Now I know I just needed less stuff.” ~ Alysa Bajenaru

14. “Clutter is stuck energy. The word ‘clutter’ derives from the Middle English word ‘clotter,’ which means to coagulate – and that’s about as stuck as you can get.” ~ Karen Kingston

15. Clutter is not just our stuff. Stuff = I.e. clothes and  paper. It is also about …

  • Digital = email
  • Mental = fears, voices, guilt
  • Emotional = unconscious, negative patterns, “I can’t” voices
  • Spiritual = lack of forgiveness and peace

Clutter is anything that keeps us from living the life we want to live and enjoy our lives. ~ From Clutter to Clarity  ~Kerry Thomas (TED Talk)


Day 15 –  31 Minutes of Decluttering = Okay, so I fibbed. I decided to spend 31 minutes in the OCC closet. One more session and I will be done.

Your Turn . . . Which quote do you like best and why? … Do you have a decluttering quote to share?

Go here for the landing page with all the posts for MORE vs less: 31 Days of Decluttering. #write31days  . . . I am joining 100’s of bloggers who are determined to write every day in October on one topic. To read more about #Write31Days, go here.

Join me in this experiment of MORE vs less.

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