Posts tagged ‘Kid Min’

85% of People Who Make Decisions for Christ do so Between the Ages of 4-14

Dear Children’s Ministry Worker,

What can we do so that children ages 4-14 find church a good place to participate in?

What can we do so that children ages 4-14 find church a good place to be?

FOUR out of Five (roughly) kiddos that you interact with, teach, help, and love on will become a Believer.

  • What you do is important.
  • You ALL are making a huge difference RIGHT now and for eternity.

THANKS for your awesome ministry.

Your Turn . . .

  1. What do you think about this statistic and your volunteer hours in children’s ministry?
  2. What changes could you/we make that will impact our 4-14 year olds?
  3. What could you/we do more often?

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NOTE: This post by Melissa MacDonald inspired the above post on the same topic.

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Bulletin Board Gives Reason to Stop Worrying and to Praise God

“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere”  (Glenn Turner).

And yet how many of us are self-confessed worry-warts?  We admit to this like it’s a harmless trait. Since it is harmless nothing bad comes of worrying, we conclude, except for a night’s loss of sleep and an upset stomach.

Thinking on verses like these help us find truth: God sees us and provides for us. Therefore worry NOT.

But what is the definition of worry? Here are a few thoughts from the dictionaries.

  • To feel uneasy, anxious, distressed, troubled, or concerned about something
  • To disturb one’s peace of mind
  • To torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts
  • To fret

So it’s a lie that worrying is harmless. It disturbs our thinking, robs our peace, and generates negative physical reactions in our body.

Left unchecked worry leads to fear.

There’s an Antidote to Worry . . . “But in those moments when I have found myself gasping for air, feeling that I was going under, I discovered that gratitude truly is my lifesaver. ”

“Even in the most turbulent waters . . .

  • Choosing gratitude rescues me from myself and my runaway emotions.
  • It buoys me on the grace of God, and
  • Keeps me from drowning in what otherwise would be my natural bent toward doubt … negativity … discouragement … and anxiety.” (Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Choosing Gratitude, 17)

This verse, Matthew 6:26, tells us we don’t need to worry. Since God sees the sparrows and provides for them, won’t He do the same for us? God sees our situations. He knows our needs. He will provide.

If we really believed such news, such marvelous truth, wouldn’t our response be one of gratitude … peace of mind and body … trust in God?

That’s my prayer for you and for me today. That we’d be full of gratitude.

Let’s believe Scripture. Let’s concentrate on gratitude and squash worrying.

“Cultivating a thankful heart is a safeguard against becoming bitter … prickly … and sour. A grateful child of God can’t but help but be a joyful … peaceful … radiant person.” (Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Choosing Gratitude, 17)


During November I am writing or posting a photo about something for which I am grateful. This explains why. 

Gratitude for November 9: I am grateful for the insight, godliness, warmth, and frankness of Barb Wilber. She is a life coach and has been helping me sort out a few things.


Your Turn . . . Are you a worry – wart? . . . Has this post helped you to see worrying in a different light? . . . What is something on your gratitude list

Related Post . . . God is in Control


NOTE: This bulletin board is in the Children’s Ministry Hallway at church. I got the idea for it from That Artist Woman. I wove the nest. Carol did the rest. Isn’t she awesome?!

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10 Actions Parents Can Take for a Happier Morning at Church

Time spent at church (or some other place that requires a quiet, behaved child) can either be stressful or peaceful. Too many times it is stressful. Our children know what buttons to push to get us to react wildly instead of respond calmly.

As parents and adults we can change this situation. We can change the environment and our responses so that when the buttons are pushed, our responses contribute to peace not chaos. Below are 10 ideas that can turn stress into peace.

1. Assess your morning for hotspots. Think back over the past month of Sundays. What were the typical problem behaviors? Before you can formulate a plan, you need to document what is actually happening.

2. Begin dealing with these hotspots. Write down how you’d like your child to behave. Pray and ask the Lord for wisdom. Does the Bible tell you what to do? Ask other parents or your children’s pastor for ideas, resources, and support. Use the bookstore, library, and Google as resources as well. Formulate a plan with your spouse and then consistently apply your “answers.”

3. Bring something for your child to do if you keep him/her with you in the service. There are many “quiet” toys that are ideal for this time: a coloring book and crayons, a doll or action figure, a puzzle, a book. Keep these items put away in a bag that you bring out only on Sundays. That way the toys will be “novel” and better hold the attention of your child.

4. Don’t expect your child to be perfect. Have a reasonable expectation according to their age. If s/he is very wiggly, perhaps there is a Sunday school class or nursery for their age. Or if you prefer, go to the cry room so the child can walk around.

5. Explain what you expect and why. Even little ones need to know which behavior is acceptable at church and which behaviors are not. Through consistency on your part and a maturing on theirs, they will soon learn proper church etiquette. It is never too soon to learn how to be obedient. This pleases God.

6. Get proper rest and nutrition. Make sure you and your child have had enough sleep and a nutritious breakfast before coming to church. Both will help ensure that you can be on your best behavior. It is hard to pay attention or even be nice when you are grumpy from lack of sleep or food.

7. Plan ahead. Set out church clothes – including socks and shoes – the night before. Allow plenty of time to get ready in the morning. Plan ahead what you’ll have for Sunday breakfast. Put your Bible, notebook and toy bag by the front door or in the car on Saturday night. Spending a half hour on Saturday night doing these things will make Sunday flow much better. Everyone will then arrive at church in a more peaceful mood. This means less acting out behavior in Sunday school and/or in the Service.

8. Provide a snack. This is especially good if you didn’t have time for a hearty breakfast or if it is getting close to lunch time. Bring snacks that are not overly messy (anything chocolate coated), overly noisy (anything in crinkly wrappers), or overly laden with sugar (otherwise your child could be running around in a fit of sugar fueled frenzy while you are trying to visit after the service is over). Apple slices and cheese or a little box of raisins are two ideas. Again try to bring foods that are reserved only for Sunday church time.

9. Pray and ask God to reveal what you could do. God is the revealer of wisdom. He knows you and your child’s needs. Sometimes God answers through that still, quiet voice. But He also answers through the Bible, other people, and circumstances. God does not give answers that conflict with each other or conflicts with Biblical principles. Keep seeking until you have a workable plan. Then put it into action. What can you do today?

10. Set a good example. Model the behavior you want your child to copy. Respectfully listen. Participate in singing, prayers, and greeting time. Give your child a notebook and pencil so s/he can also take notes just like you. Respectfully and quietly correct misbehavior. Be sure to praise the good behavior especially if it is new.

Go here for 14 Ways to Stop the Morning Madness (from imom).

Related Post . . . 10 Things to Teach Your Child About Behaving in Church

Your Turn . . . What have you done that has worked well for you?

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10 Reasons Why Involvement in Your Church Nursery is Important

Volunteering in the nursery is more than changing diapers, rocking babies and helping the under 2 ½ year old’s play nicely together. It is a very important ministry to the child, parent(s), and even to yourself. Below are 10 reasons why your involvement is needed, useful, and important.

  1. Following orders. The Bible (Romans 12: 3-9, 1 Cor. 12: 1-31 & 1 Peter 4: 10-11)  tells Believers to use their spiritual gifts for the good of the church, to serve one another in love. When you are in the nursery, you are obeying one of God’s reasons for gifting Believers. Your obedience pleases God and blesses the church.
  2. Full attention. Once babies reach a certain age, they get wiggly and noisy. These actions while normally welcomed can cause a parent to be distracted and uncomfortable in a church setting. Having the child in the nursery allows parents to participate in church without distraction.
  3. Great impressions. Infants and children under 2 ½ years old are forming their first impressions about church, God, and people. Many of these impressions stay with them for their whole lives. You have the opportunity to make healthy impressions.
  4. Keep schedule. In the nursery it is easier to follow his/her schedule regarding bottle-feeding and napping. Since we have a separate crib room, the child can lay down in comfort and quiet when it is time for a nap. And when awake and mobile, there is plenty of room, toys, and attention to keep the child engaged and content.
  5. Pastor pastors. Since the parents are in the service and/or small group, the pastor and teachers are able to fulfill their ministry to the parents by teaching, preaching, exhortation, mercy, encouragement, etc. Thus the parents are able to grow in maturity, receive love, and be equipped for service in their home and church.
  6. Prayer ministry. Prayer can take place anywhere: when rocking a fussy or sleepy child, just before you separate the two tykes fighting over the train, as you change the diaper, or even as you briefly hug the little one who tripped over the crumb on the carpet. You have many little opportunities to pray for the baby and his/her family.
  7. Realistic expectations. The more hours you put into the nursery, the more you come to understand that age group. You learn what the normal range of behaviors are. This knowledge helps you relax your expectations for all children in general and for your own in particular. An added bonus is you are a good resource for the parents regarding appropriate behaviour.
  8. Relationship building. In the nursery you have the opportunity to build up relationships with the children, the parents, and with the other nursery workers. Doing so gives you a sense of belonging, of affirmation, of team work, and of being needed. You find that even though you are in a ministry and are giving to others, you are also receiving much in return.
  9. Spiritual influence. The older ones in the nursery follow a simple schedule which includes a Bible story, music, scripture, and prayer. This schedule exposes the children to core Biblical themes like God loves them and they can trust God. This first influence can also stay with the child for their lifetime.
  10. Stay or go? The nursery is the first point-of-contact for many families. How the parents and baby are treated will determine if the family stays in the church. Your commitment to being . . . on time … attentive to baby … friendly to the parent … and to the previous ten points makes a difference in the now and for eternity. I hope you can see how valuable your time in the nursery is. Thank you for your commitment and service.

Your Turn . . .

  • Have you ever worked in the church nursery? Do you agree or disagree with the above list? What would you add?
  • Are you a parent with a child in the nursery? What is your opinion on the above list?

Related Posts . . .

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10 Things to Teach Your Child About Behaving in Church

Teaching your children how to behave in church (or other places they need to be quiet) is an on-going training session and sometimes a battle.

  • If your child learns to have a quiet body, it will make it easier for those around him/her to focus and enjoy the experience more.
  • If your child learns to have a quiet mind, it  will help him/her learn how to focus and enjoy the experience for him/herself more.

Below are ten ideas (in quiz form) to discuss with your child over several weeks/months. As a refresher or to check how much s/he knows or remembers, take this quiz together.

Fill in the blanks from the following list of words. All the words are used only once.

A Message … Best … Bow … Giggling … Pew … Quietly … Run … Sermon … Service … Think About

  1. As you sing the worship songs, ______   ______ the words.
  2. Be on your ______ behavior.
  3. ______ your head during prayer.
  4. Don’t rattle or throw papers, donation envelopes, etc. during the ______.
  5. Expect to hear______   ______  from God.
  6. It is best to not ______ in the sanctuary.
  7. Keep your feet, pens and sticky food off _____ cushions.
  8. Listen to the ______.
  9. No ______, whispering, or talking.
  10. Sit ________.
To find the answers, click on the More button below. 

Your Turn . . .

  1. How well did you do? How well did your child do?
  2. What would you add to this list?
  3. Take off the list?

Related Post . . . 10 Actions Parents Can Take for a Happier Morning at Church


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60 Acts of Kindness, Intentional & Random to do my 60th year

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