When Was the Last Time You Said “Wahoo”?

. at . 12 comments

“I’m sure I don’t know” is what Catherine Boyd (Meg Ryan) told Ed Walters (Tim Robbins) when asked that question in the movie IQ.

When was the last time YOU said Wahoo? What made you breathless with excitement, adventure, contentment, or accomplishment?

Ed Walters told Catherine that her Uncle Albert Einstein (Walter Matthau) said “Wahoo” while fulfilling his dream of riding on the back of a motorcycle.

If you asked me that question, I’d also have to respond, “I’m sure I don’t know.” And that’s sad. Really sad.

There are many reasons for this. Some of my reasons include the following . . .

  • I tend to live in the future thinking about what I have to do instead of savoring the moment.
  • When I was a mom of kiddos at home, I was consumed with all the details of making life work (home-schooling, discipline, nurse, house work, meal preparation, chauffer – you get the picture).
  • I stay too busy making little time for reflection.
  • I never really think about what makes me tick.
  • I am not in tune to the possibilities God has planned for me.

I can so relate to Maggie Carpenter (Julia Robertsin Runaway Bride. Maggie didn’t know her own dislikes, likes and what made her say “wahoo.” She didn’t even know how she preferred her eggs to be cooked. Instead she took on the “wahoo” criteria of her current beau.

One day Maggie said, “No more.” She decided to figure out what made her tick. She started with eggs, tasting all the variations until she came up with what SHE liked best, which recipe made her say, “Wahoo! THIS is my favorite.”

I am also saying, “No more.” I am not starting with eggs though. While I haven’t tasted a lot of variations of eggs, I do like dry scrambled eggs with onion, mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon, and toast with marmalade. The egg box is checked off.

I am starting with a day off.

I am going to make sure I dedicate at least one day of my weekend (Friday and Saturday) as a NO Work day! (I tend to be project-driven and cannot rest until the project is d-o-n-e!) I will explore life to see what brings out my inner wahoo. I am going to explore what it means to have an abundant life.

As a way to keep me accountable, I will be participating in the Monday weekly link up “This Weekend I . . .

Your Turn . . .

  1. What makes you say, “Wahoo”?
  2. Are you good at knowing your dislikes and likes?
  3. Are you regular about doing those things that bring you a feeling of satisfaction, accomplishment, adventure?
  4. If not, why not? If yes, how do you keep on doing this?

Entry filed under: "This Weekend I . . .", Main. Tags: , .

Love is in the Air for this Friday Five Baby Steps Aid in Weekly Goal Completion (GPM)

12 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Jenny Arnez  |  . at .

    A few of my “wahoos”: camping with my family, the beach, traveling, exploring new places locally, going on a walk with Mark, being silly with my kids, that “oh mom” look that I get from the girls when I am silly, alone time, getting lost in a book, creating something that I love, connecting with others, and Selland’s Market, of course

    I have not been good unplugging and doing those things that give me life. I am now, though, slowly getting better. After I started having issues physically from stress, I need I had to make changes or die young.

    Great post, Sista…you say “Wahoo!’ to this one =)


    • 2. catladymarsha  |  . at .

      You already know my wahoos – kids, grandkids and cats and not necessarily in that order. There are lots of others but these are the top. There was a great article on the net this morning about stress busters – I’ll post it.


    • 3. susan2009  |  . at .

      Lots of great idea, Jenny. I can see that a few of yours could also be on my list. And thanks to you I can add Sellands to my list too! It is great to be able to be silly enough to get that “Oh Mom” look from the kiddos.

      Glad you are making the changes cuz I don’t want you to die young either. 🙂


    • 4. susan2009  |  . at .

      While I will never adore cats the way you do, Catlady, thanks to you I am coming to appreciate them more and more.

      I read your stress buster article – I hate when I learn I’ve been doing everything wrong!

      I bet another “wahoo” for you could be time in the hot tub. It is for me when the water is actually hot.


  • 5. Brenda  |  . at .

    I look forward to seeing what you do for fun and hope you can find some enjoyable things to do. You need it for the long run, to keep doing what you are doing for a long, long time.

    I usually say woo-hoo, but I say it a lot. It does not take a lot to make me happy 🙂


    • 6. susan2009  |  . at .

      Thanks, Brenda. Yesterday I spent the afternoon/evening just hanging out with my sista and her family. That certainly was an enjoyable experience which I don’t do often enough.

      Seems that is a good thing to cultivate, “It does not take a lot to make me happy.”

      I am looking forward to this journey too so that I can stay the course with health, vitality, and maturity.


  • 7. mybusinessaddiction  |  . at .

    Gosh, these are great questions! And I’m embarrassed that my response is not at my fingertips. I think I know my likes and dislikes but I’m not great at being “kind” to myself. I’ll have to chew on your questions a little longer. Great post! 🙂


    • 8. susan2009  |  . at .

      Thanks for visiting, K. You certainly do know some of your likes since you have a page with Smile Generators.

      I look forward to seeing what you come up with regarding being kind to yourself and how they are different than your smile generators.


  • 9. Hazel  |  . at .

    I enjoyed reading this post as I can related well with film comparisons. Thank you for the encouragement you left on my TSMSS post. I appreciate it.


    • 10. susan2009  |  . at .

      I don’t normally use film comparisons because I don’t have good film memory. But IQ is one of my favourite movies. I did remember the egg scene from The Runaway Bride but I had to Google the film to get the character names.

      You are welcome for the encouragement. 🙂


  • 11. Denise Drake  |  . at .

    Two of us were saying “Wahoo!” in Greek Class this morning. It’s so difficult and exciting– like riding a roller coaster!


    • 12. susan2009  |  . at .

      Glad that you are also feeling the “reward” of hard work paying off.


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