Kindness is Valuable, Influential, & Contagious

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Our words and actions can pollute the environment around us. Or they can bring peace to others and to ourselves.

The Holidays and extra duties are upon us. Because of being overwhelmed by these extra duties, many become grouchy. And we run into more harsh behaviour this time of the year. We may even contribute to it. A kind tongue and attitude do much to bring peace to our surroundings and to our own thinking.

I recently found my notes from a “kindness” simulcast I attended. Several years ago (Sept 19, 2010) a group of CNC ladies heard Beth Moore at a simulcast hosted by Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church. Beth talked about kindness. Her main text was Proverbs 31:26.

The notes I took are just as applicable today as they were then.


There are 2 reasons we need to be intentional about kindness.

ONE. The world is becoming a meaner place (2 Timothy 3). Because we are surrounded by a mean culture, we have to make a deliberate choice to act differently. We have to make a deliberate choice to protect the warmth of our heart. We come across mean people while driving, while shopping, while doing business, going to school, etc. We need to purposefully decide to respond with kindness and not with anger, spite, or ugliness. If we don’t protect our heart, it will grow bitter, cold, and argumentative.

TWO. Beth spoke about how women are natural “teachers” in their different spheres of influence (mothers, aunts, sisters, neighbors, sitters, etc). And since we are teachers, people of influence, our examples are copied. This is especially true for children. They watch and copy what we do and say. It is kind? It is imperative that our actions and words are purposefully kind.


Beth spoke about being careful with our words in two arenas.

First, we have a responsibility with our spoken words. We can say or may have already said unkind words to our children or others that they won’t forget. We may have said the words in a fit of anger, pain, or frustration. We may not have meant them. But such words are mean and cause damage that last even though we’ve apologized.

Second, we have a responsibility with our published words. Women are opinion-givers and whether we realize it or not, we are “published” authors. Most of us are not an author of a best seller. But our words have been published in text messages, emails, tweets, and blogs. These writings can be forwarded and seen by many people. Are your published words kind or mean?

We need to “Kindness” edit our speech. Beth suggested the following advice . . .

  • Eat It Before We Tweet It.
  • Good Look It Before We Facebook It.
  • Flog It Before We Blog It.

“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks,” (Luke 6:45). What does your mouth reveal about your heart?

The rest of my notes will be in Part Two. PART TWO IS EIGHT CHARACTERISTICS OF KINDNESS.


During November I am writing or posting a photo about something for which I am grateful. This explains why.  

My gratitude posting for November 20: I am grateful for the many volunteers who are giving their time and resources (for food) so that the homeless and less fortunate in our area can have a Thanksgiving feast on Friday. These are certainly kind actions.


Your Turn . . . 

  1. How is your heart? Is it kind? Or is it too often bitter, cold, and argumentative?
  2. Who are you teaching? Who is in your sphere of influence? What is your example teaching others? Is it kind?
  3. In general how would you characterize your words especially when you are stressed?
  4. How would you characterize your published words?
  5. Respond to Beth’s advice about Tweeting, Facebooking, and blogging.
  6. What do your words reveal about your heart?
  7. Did you attend this event? What would you add?

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8 Different Ways to Express Gratitude 8 Characteristics of Kindness

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60 Acts of Kindness, Intentional & Random to do my 60th year

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